Friendly Dashboard

 Administrators get the information they need right away with a dashboard that is designed and tailored to fit their needs. With a quick overview of usage statistics, statistics on a week’s worth of participation for each user role, the current user count and recent activities, it’s easy for administrators to see how the whole school is truly getting the most out of Skolera. 

IT manager dashboard in Skolera LMS for schools
Illustration of school structure

School Structure Management

 Administrators are given the tools to manage the school structure within Skolera. Update school details, manage departments, add classes, rename them, set their capacity, and much more!

User-Data Management

 Skolera provides the administrator with all the tools needed for effective user-data management, including the ability to reset passwords, activate and suspend accounts, assign and enroll users in classes, and more. Administrators can also assign and manage employee privileges and details. 
Illustration of LMS interfaces
Analytics illustration

Zooming In

 From the Focus tab, administrators can see more detailed information on how each role is using the platform, detailed stats for each course, and the activities taking place in the zones. Filters help administrators sort through all the data to find something specific. 

Reporting and Tracking

Tracking provides administrators with a set of monitoring and reporting tools. They can use the system log to go over or refer to all the activities performed on the system, create reports for teachers and students, or view graphical representations of selected reports. 
Reporting and tracking of LMS
Student records in Skolera LMS

Student Records

Skolera simplifies and streamlines student records. Student attendance can now be taken and stored digitally in virtually no time, grades are automatically compiled from different classes without teachers having to wait for their colleagues to finish their calculations, and interim reports on grades and scores can be prepared, printed, and handed out periodically and easily.